The Devourer of Gods can move through air as if it were solid blocks in this mode, and the Warped debuff is inflicted on all players, which multiplies their Y velocity by 1.01 every frame, in turn making them slightly floatier. It will not attempt to physically attack unless the player is a noticeable distance off the ground. When initially spawned, the sky will turn blue and the boss will fly and circle in the air over the player like a Crawltipede. The Devourer of Gods has 82 segments in total during phase 1, and 102 segments in total during phase 2. The Devourer of Gods' body segments sport very high Damage Reduction (DR), however its head and tail segments do not and will even take increased damage, rendering them the primary targets for dealing damage. All you need is a copy of Contractors and at no extra charge Team Fortress 2 VR is included with this Contractors mod.The Devourer of Gods at its core is a worm enemy, featuring a head trailed by body segments and ending with a tail, flying through the air and digging through blocks. The classic game by Valve, directly on your VR headset. This Contractors VR mod lets you play Team Fortress 2 in Virtual Reality. If a server is running one of these Contractors mods then it will automatically download if you join that server and you can play with whomever is already there.

Oh, and if you’re wondering how to play these mods, just check out the server browser in Contractors.

Here’s 5 of our favorite Contractors VR mods. Bullet speed, time to kill, player models, weapons models, and even vehicles! Contractors mods are crazy and just getting even crazier as modders work hard to add new features and entirely new Contractors mods. Here we’re looking at 5 of the most amazing Contractors VR Mods that change all sorts of things about the game.

Seriously, no other VR shooter on the Quest 2 has the insane array of different mods that Contractors VR offers. If there’s one thing that sets Contractors apart from all other VR shooters it is Contractors’ extensive mod support.